2. ME: Who you are
3. WHERE: Where you are
4. WHAT: What you want
5. WITH: Airport information (ATIS)
YOU | 1. Whom you're talking to | Control | Van Nuys Ground | Burbank Tower |
ME | 2. Who you are | Aircraft ID | Katana 505EC* | Cessna 92747* |
WHERE | 3. Where you are | Position | On the West Ramp | Eight miles southwest |
WHAT | 4. What you want | Request | Ready for taxi | Inbound for landing |
[WITH] | 5. Are you informed | ATIS | With X-Ray | We have Bravo |
2. GROUND 1, 2, 3, 4
3. TOWER 1, 2, 3, (4)
4. DEPARTURE 1, 2, 3
6. APPROACH (or tower) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
7. TOWER (if handed off) 1, 2, 3
8. GROUND 1, 2, 3, 4
Things you might want to say:
Repeat whatever they said. If they say, "5EC cleared to land," you say, "Cleared to land, 5EC." (Note: Typically when reading back, we put the aircraft ID at the end.) It lets them know that you got your instructions, and that you'll follow them. These conversations also get put on to the tape recording, so if anything goes wrong you're safer. It's much better than…
"Roger" means, "I understand." "Wilco" means "I will comply." These are abbreviations used sometimes when the airwaves are very busy, but as a general rule they aren't a good idea. The problem is that the ATC does not know what you think you understand or will comply with. "Roger," by the way, does not mean "Yes." That's said by:
Pilot-speak for "Yes," and "No." (Short words sometimes can be cut off by the microphone, or misunderstood.) These are used only in response to a question from ATC.
This is the proper form to ask ATC to repeat something.
Use this word to ask for something, or prepare ATC for an upcoming request. Example: You're flying in Class B at an assigned altitude of 5,500 feet and there are clouds ahead "Boston approach, 505EC request." Wait. Boston approach responds: "505 EC go ahead." You answer: "505EC would like to descend to 3,500 because of clouds." Use this word also to make a request at any time, without waiting, e.g. "Hanscom tower, 505EC requests the right base to 23"; "Cessna 92747 requests you call my base."
An acknowledgement after ATC tells you about another aircraft in your area.
ATC has given you a traffic report and you see the other aircraft.
ATC has given you a traffic report, and after a reasonable search you still don't see the other aircraft.
You will be amazed at how much help, cooperation, and forgiveness you can get, and often how much nicer ATC becomes, when you tell them you're a student pilot. If you're having trouble understanding what they're saying or what they want, this is a good phrase to start with. There is no shame in telling them this. Example: "Hanscom tower, 505EC student pilot requests say again?"
Things an air traffic controller might say:
Cleared to/for
Cleared for the option
Go Ahead
Report downwind/base
State (your) intentions
Maintain [1500] until...
Climb to...
Descend to...
Fly heading…
Make [left] closes
You're number [three] following a...
Traffic at two o'clock [high/low] is a...
Check wheels down
Hold short of...
...the ILS critical area
Position and hold
Do you want advisories?
Radar contact
Contact [tower] on [118.5]
Cleared out of class [D]
Squawk VFR
Frequency change approved
Radar service is terminated
Taxi to…
Taxi into position and hold
Extend downwind
I'll call your base
Do a 360 and re-enter the [downwind]
ATC has given you the permission and right to do something. "Cleared to land, runway 11" "Cleared for takeoff." "Cleared to enter Class B."
Said when preparing for a landing, without further clearance you may do any of these things as you wish: full stop, stop-and-go, touch-and-go, or go-around.
Keep doing what you're doing. Go straight if you were told to go straight. If you were told earlier to enter the pattern downwind on the 45, then do that.
Talk to ATC. Perhaps the airwaves have been very busy and you finally manage to get in, saying, "Hanscom tower, Katana 505EC." Then wait until the tower says, "505EC go ahead." It's your turn to talk, now.
ATC is telling you that when you arrive at the given position, you should radio the tower and tell them so. "Report downwind": when you're established on the downwind and are at midfield, call the tower and say, "505EC downwind." "Report base": call the tower as you start to turn base and say, "5EC turning base."
This is most often tower's polite way of saying that they don't understand what you're doing, or that you are not on the right heading, or that you are not following instructions. They want to know what you want to do, or what you think you're doing. Then they can give you appropriate guidance.
Stay at a given altitude. "Climb and maintain 4500" means you should climb up to 4500 MSL and stay there until they tell you otherwise. "Maintain 1500 until Cider Hill": do not descend below 1500 until you reach this landmark.
Go to the altitude they give you.
Turn to the direction given. "Fly heading 180": go south until told otherwise.
This could also be phrased, "Make (left/right) close traffic." You are going to work in the traffic pattern, and make left or right turns, as instructed.
You are in the traffic pattern, and there will be planes landing in front of you. "You're number three following a Cessna" means that one plane is cleared to land, there's a Cessna behind that, and you should be looking for the Cessna so you can follow behind it.
The standard traffic advisory: in this example, look forward and to the right for a big twin commuter plane above you and a few miles away. This advisory will often be accompanied by information on the direction that the Dash 8 is traveling.
At some airports, this is a standard thing to say whether your wheels are down or not. It would be a good time to check, though, as this is only said once you're cleared to land.
ATC wants you to repeat some instruction you've been given.
Said when taxiing. Stop before reaching and do not cross the given runway or taxiway. Always repeat this instruction back to the controller.
Stay behind not just the runway hold-short solid lines, but behind the ILS hold-short line (looks like a ladder with double rungs).
Go on to the runway and wait in position to take off.
ATC isn't reading your transponder, so they want you to turn your transponder off, then turn it back on again.
Push the little button on the transponder. This makes your radar blip blossom on their screen, so they can find you easily and know who you are.
ATC is informing you that it has you on radar. You don't need to respond to this.
ATC is "handing you off" to another controller, telling you to change your radio frequency and talk to someone else. In this example, you would respond, "505EC going to tower," switch your radio frequency to 118.50, and report in by saying, for example, "Hanscom Tower, Katana 505EC at 2000."
ATC is informing you that you are leaving its airspace and can go on your own recognizance. This phrase is often followed by…
ATC is telling you that it will not provide separation or traffic advisories any more. This phrase is often followed by…
Change your transponder code to 1200. And this phrase is often followed by…
This call is permission to stop communications with ATC, usually because you're leaving their airspace and continuing on a visual flight.
You can request to stay on the radio with a controller, and be advised of traffic in your vicinity, as ATC's workload allows. This is called traffic advisories, or "flight following.
A taxi clearance: if cleared to taxi TO a runway, you are allowed to cross all other taxiways and runways on the way there, but you must hold short of the final runway. In the case of this example, you should go on taxiway Juliet, turn on to Echo, and taxi up to the hold-short line of runway 29.
Drive your airplane on to the beginning of the runway and stop. Do not take off. You are being put in position for your takeoff, but another plane is still on the runway, or other traffic considerations (e.g. wake turbulence) make your departure unsafe.
Don't turn from downwind to base yet. This is to separate your plane from other traffic in the pattern. This is often followed by…
Stay on downwind, at traffic pattern altitude, until the tower tells you to turn in.
The controller wants you to do a standard two-minute turn-around-a-point in the pattern (360 degrees of turn), and reenter the pattern wherever you left it. This is for spacing purposes. This instruction could also happen on base or final. If you're just about to turn left base, ATC could also tell you to do a right 270 (degree turn) and come back in on base. A 360 gives you the perfect opportunity to use that stuff you learned in "turns around a point," and to practice one.
Hanscom Tower: "Warrior 3572M, Hanscom Tower, report the right downwind to runway two-niner."
3572M: "Report right downwind to two-niner. 72M"
"Report entering a right downwind to two-niner."
"Report a two-mile right base to runway two-three."
"Report a three-mile left base turn to final, runway five."
"Fly a straight-in for runway one-one. Report a three-mile final."
"Remain clear of class D and give me a call in ten minutes."
(In these examples, all runway numbers are interchangeable.)
Pilot: "Bridgeport Radio, Katana 303EC on 122.2."
Wait for a response. The operator may be working on several different frequencies at once, talking to other people. If you wait a full minute without getting at least a "Katana 303EC, stand by," then try again. If that doesn't work, try another frequency, or listen over a VOR, as listed on the sectional.
Bridgeport Radio: "Katana 303EC, Bridgeport Radio, go ahead."
Tell them you'd like to to open your flight plan, from where to where, and what time you took off.
Pilot: "We'd like to open our flight plan from Bedford to White Plains. Our time off was One-four-five-five Zulu."
Bridgeport Radio: "Roger Katana 303EC, that flight plan is now activated.
Pilot: "Fitchburg UNICOM, Tomahawk 9171A requests the active."
UNICOM: "Active at Fitchburg is three-two."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A, six miles southeast, will overfly the field at two thousand feet for a left downwind entry to runway three two, Fitchburg."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A is one mile to the west, to enter the left downwind for runway three two, Fitchburg."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A, left downwind for runway three-two, Fitchburg."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A, left base for runway three-two, Fitchburg."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A, turning/on final for runway three-two, touch-and-go, Fitchburg."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A is clear of the active, Fitchburg."
Pilot: "Fitchburg traffic, Tomahawk 9171A, taking the active three two [for departure to the west] [for work in the pattern], Fitchburg."
Note: None of these calls are mandatory, and there could very well be people in the pattern who don't even have radios. Radio calls are not a substitute for awareness, so keep your eyes open. It is always your responsibility to see and avoid other traffic, regardless of radio calls.
Final note: Not all of these calls may be necessary, and in fact some examiners and experienced pilots prefer that people not jam up the airways with every single detail of their pattern. Use your judgment, and keep the calls short.
Pilot: "Lawrence Tower, Cessna niner two seven four seven at runway two-three, ready for departure, request coordination for flight following to Burlington, Vermont."
Tower: "Seven four seven roger, squawk 6245."
Pilot: "Boston Approach, Cessna niner two seven four seven."
Approach: "Cessna niner two seven four seven, Boston Approach, go ahead."
Pilot: "Seven four seven requests flight following to Burlington Vermont at 6500 feet."
Approach: "Seven four seven squawk 5669."
Change the transponder.
Approach: "Cessna niner two seven four seven, radar contact."
Approach: "Cessna niner two seven four seven, contact Manchester on 124.9"
Pilot: "Switching to Manchester 124.9, seven four seven."
By phone to the FSS is always: 1-800-WX-BRIEF (1-800-992-7433)
You can get some recorded information, but it's best always to talk to a briefer beforehand. Tell the briefer your tail number and pertinent information. The pertinent information is: where you're departing from, where you're going, when you're leaving, the expected duration of the flight, and at what altitude. E.g. "Hello, I'm in tail number 108CM, flying from Bedford to Nashua at 11:00 local time today. Could I get a local area weather briefing?" E.g. "This is [Yes, here you can say, "This is…"] 9171A. I'm going to be going from Hanscom to Montreal, Canada taking off at about 1300 zulu and landing at about 1600 zulu, at 4500 feet. I'd like an enroute weather forecast and winds aloft, please."
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